Lane Two is Where Companies Create
New Value for Their Customers
Co-owners Jeff & Laura are partners in business and in life.
Lane Two runs on their collective experiences and expertise, and they are working together to grow a great business while designing life on their terms.
Laura leads all things operations and content for Lane Two. She leads marketing communications activities and manages all internal client projects, while handling all other internal operations and finances (thank goodness for Laura).
Partner in life and business with Jeff. Cat mom to Earl and Florence.
Jeff delivers all of our courses and corporate training programs. He also speaks at conferences, and leads partnership development for Lane Two.
Partner in life and business with Laura. Cat dad to Earl and Florence.
What is Lane Two?:
Lane One is your current context. It’s your existing business model - the way you currently deliver value to your customers.
Lane Two is where new growth happens. It’s where you test new ways to deliver value to your customers. It’s new courses you sell, new products you launch, new channels that you activate, etc.
Get in touch.
We want to learn more about how we can help you to activate Lane Two for your organization and customers.